Monday, June 06, 2005


If you are wondering about the title for the blog, it is a Haitain Proverb. I am not Haitain but I liked the sentiment. It means People Speak, They don't act; God Acts, He Doesn't Speak.

Did you ever think, wow, life can be so much more wierd than a soap opera. I think so. Especially after the last few weeks. One of my older brother's wife passed away a few weeks ago. She was over 500 pounds and on every medication immaginable. Eventually it ate her liver up.

On the same day that I found out that she had died, I found out that my other older brother had been put in jail for a road rage incident. Meanwhile his youngest daughter had been beaten up by her long term boyfriend and had to go to the emergency room with broken ribs.

The story doesn't end here because a week later my niece went back with the boyfriend. During their travels around Virginia Beach he gets shot to death while siting in the car next to her. It wasn't just one shot, like a stray bullit. No, 11 shots. My neice has to play dead to get out of the situation alive. Another friend of hers took two non-life-threatening bullets and also managed to live through the episode.


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