
Have you ever heard the story of the introduction of the Chevy Nova to certain South American Markets? The story goes that when the Nova was introduced to a Spanish speaking South American country its sales bombed. Further investigation indicated that the name Nova was being confused with the Spanish term "No Va!" This translates, literally, to "It doesn't go." Who would want a car that doesn't go? OK, the story isn't true. You can read why from Snopes.com.
Viewed as a parable though, it does do a good job at illustrating the problems of cross cultural communication. Not only can certain words be misunderstood but also certain gestures. Take the peace sign illustrated above. During WWII this would have been interpreted as a "V" for victory. In England, if displayed with the palm facing the person flashing the sign, it is the American equivalent of flipping the bird. (an obscene gesture.) In the US Navy if you rotate the "V" sign front to back it means "Turn to" which means, "get back to work you lazy bum."(or words to that effect)
The US sign for OK, where the index finger and the thumb form an O and the other three fingers are extended, is also the equivalent of "flipping the bird" in certain Islamic countries. Go figure. You could think that someone is saying you're ok dude, and in reality they have just told you where to go.
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