Saturday, August 06, 2005


If this isn't one of the oldest sentiments on the internet. The better we get at fighting SPAM the better they get at sending it; All the little dirty tricks from spoofing e-mail addresses to getting an overseas ISP so that you can't track down the people who own the servers that they are using .

It must be profitable for these ad companies though because it keeps getting worse. The only way to fight it is to make it less profitable. Don't buy anything that is advertised through SPAM. Wishful thinking. For every ten people who delete it there is probably 1 person who buys whatever they are advertising.

SPAM doesn't get near the same hate factor that things like Adware get. Probably because it is just a nuisance and not a potential threat. I know that these people need to get the word out to get their product sold. I just wish that they wouldn't be able to do it so indiscriminately and so deceitfully. If they would stop pulling tricks to get past the SPAM filters that would be a significant step in the right direction.

Lately I've been getting a lot where they have purposefully mispelled words to get around the SPAM filters: IE a$$ instead of Ass. You get the idea. Enough venting for now. I for one will do my part and boycot SPAM advertisers.


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