Sunday, October 16, 2005

God Blogs

Everyone is doing it. Why not Christians? They even have a convention. What would Jesus Blog? I guess you'll have to attend to find out. It was inevitable. There are many Christian Resources popping up all over the web;, Biblegateway and more. You gotta love it. If TV brought us the Televangalist, what will the internet bring? Intelevangellists, click here for instant salvation, Pop up proverbs, E-bay webstores that sell blessed water... God only knows what will come next. I hope more true Christians get out there and less of these take-your-money and run Jim Baker types. That's one of the best things about blogging; most people do it for the sake of doing it, whether or not people appear to be listening. Hopefully these Christian Blogs will keep up the tradition.


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