I was in an
Alzeimer's walk/run this morning. I walked. Some of the guys from the RESCEN ran. I didn't feel like doing the whole 5K thing so I just strolled the 1 mile course. The disease is kind of sad. My grandmother supposedly had it. I'm not so sure because she didn't start showing symptoms until after she had some bleeding on the brain due to a fall. She was in her 70's at that time. I'm not saying she wasn't crazy to begin with. She was looney as hell but she didn't forget things. It was a while after the fall that she started regressing. I think she was about 93 when she died. My mom worked on an alzheimer's ward also. I hated going there when I was young. If I missed my bus home I would sometimes have to. It just made me think too much of my own mortality... "There but for the grace of God go I."
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