Friday, July 15, 2005

Blah Blah Blah

Is anyone else tired of this Kyle Rove crap? For once it seems that the Dems are looking to reduce the civil liberties. By that I am refering to the freedom of the press thing and jailing journalists thing. There would be an uproar if it were a Democrat being investigated and a reporter was put in jail for not revealing their source? Would it really matter anyway? Probably not. I think a politician is a politician. Both sides act the fool when they think they can get an edge on the other party. Get off the Rove thing, no one got hurt and the supposed covert agent wasn't even overseas. What are we doing making a covert agent's husband an ambassador or investigator or whatever? Why was her family involved in anything at all? Whatever! HERE'S AN IDEA WASHINGTON, LETS FORGET ABOUT THE POLITICAL WRANGLING AND MOVE ON TO MORE IMPORTANT AGENDAS, LIKE HOW SAFE IS OUR MASS TRANSIT SYSTEM!


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