Tuesday, August 30, 2005


My power continues to go on and off. They'll probably be weeks fixing the power grid here in Baton Rouge. Every time I get angry about the fact that houses all around me have power but I don't, I meet another refugee from New Orleans. I am reminded that I may not have electricity but I do have a place to stay and I do know where my family is. It makes me ashamed for ever feeling angry to begin with.

The hurricane was worse than anything they could have predicted. The city continues to sustain flood damage. They are trying to plug the holes in the levee but who knows if they will be successful.

I get very angry over the fact that they knew this could happen. I've seen a documentary within the past month that said if a CAT 4 ever hit New Orleans the city would be under water. It did and it is. It seems as if, instead of trying come up with a solution to fix the problem, they instead gambled and hoped that it wouldn't happen. I hope that when they rebuild the city they figure out a way to raise the land to a decent level. It just doesn't make any sense to build in a coastal area that is below sea level.


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