Toad Licker

Have you ever heard of licking toads to get high? I was having a conversation with my brother earlier, he was telling me that his Housing Association in Tampa put out a flyer about these toads that were giving dogs seizures. I thought I remembered something about people actually licking some type of toad to get high so I looked it up on the Internet. Sure enough there are a number of people who have been licking hallucinogenic toads to get a buzz. There appears to be at least two varieties of this toad living here in the States, the Cane Toad AKA bufo marinus. and the Colorado River Toad AKA bufo alvarius. The toad gives you an intense but short lives trip into Never Never Land. The only problem is its poisonous. One website said that you can get by the poison by drying the venom and smoking it. I would not recommend trying it though. Not unless you have someway of proving that the poison is gone. The only thing that I want to know is who thought this up? Who said, "Hey, dude, there's a toad, lets lick it?"
Aren’t they poisonous? I won’t be doing that for nothing. *lol*.
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