Theories About Fred

I have wondered how someone like Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church could harbor such hate towards homosexuals. A hate so deep that anything he doesn't like suddenly gets labled as a "Fag." Warren J. Blumenfeld may have the answer to this. He refers to it as Internalized Homophobia. A self denial of ones own sexuality can lead to an unhealthy hatred for people who openly call themselves homosexuals. Mr. Phelps may be a self hating "fag." (Please note that fag is Mr. Phelps' favorite term for anything or anyone he does not like, not mine.)
He may even decide to act out his fantasies of homosexual contact with other human beings by going out into the world disguised as a female AKA a transvestite. The only way to know for sure would be to ask the good people of Westboro. Have you seen someone resembling the person in this picture? This person may go by the name of Fredda and even claim to be some distant relative of the hateful preacher.
This warped mindset might even explain how he could call his protests at Service Members funerals as "Love Campaigns." Perhaps if he were to take some Prozac or Lithium he might be able to come to terms with his issues and learn to love himself and others.
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