Michael Moore

I despise this man. I don't trust him, I think he is a master manipulator and his documentaries are bogus pieces of pseudo truth. Why do I bring this up? Tonight on the O'reilly Factor it was alleged that he has been involved in the manipulation of Cindy Sheehan. Cindy lost her son to the war in April of 2004. According to the O'reilly Factor she did an interview with a California paper praising the President after meeting with him last year. Since then she has gotten tied up with Mr. Moore and her story has turned 180. I'm not sure how true this is. I can't find the article, I'd love to be contacted if someone else knows of the article.
I'm not mad because I have absolute proof that Moore is at the center of this change of heart. The reason I am ticked off is because given Mike's unscrupulous past I find this alleged manipulation to be highly likely. Michael makes money by preying on people's fears. He did it with Bowling for Columbine and again with his Bush documentary. He is guilty of some of the same crimes that he accuses Bush of. By that I mean manipulating the public with 1/2 truths and profiting from the fear that he causes.
Love ya Mike! Call me :p
Cindy had posted on another blog, and that post was then reprinted on Moore's website. By alleging that she was somehow involved with Moore in her protest was somewhat dishonest by O'Reilly.
Cindy's group is called Gold Star Families for Peace, and is in no way affiliated with Michael Moore.
She has been speaking out against the Iraq war for over a year now, and her story hasn't changed a bit.
Thanks for the Info. O'reilly also alleged that she had done an rticle for a Newspaper. Does anyone know if this is also misinformation?
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