Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Reverend Fred Waldron Phelps AKA Satan

Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

Mark 13:10 "And the gospel must first be preached to all nations."

Acts 8:25 "When they had testified and proclaimed the word of the Lord, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages."

Again and again in the bible we read of the Apostles preaching the Gospel. What is the Gospel? The Strong's Concordance tells us the word gospel in Greek is Euaggelion. This translates to glad tidings of the deeds, death, sayings and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What's this got to do with the not so good Reverend Phelps? He is the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas. This man's hate campaign against pretty much everyone has taken a rather appalling turn. This man's idea of preaching the Gospel is to spread hate speach against many different groups; Jews, Blacks, and Fags to name a few.

He runs a website called
Godhatesfags. Despite the name of his website "Fags" are not the only target of his hate. Lately he has targeted veteran's funerals. He and his followers picket the funerals with signs that say things like "Thank God for IEDs" (IED = improvised explosive devices) and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers." What right has this nut case have to picket the funerals of these men and preach this vile anti-Christian message? What is wrong with this man and his followers?

To Mr Phelps (I refuse to call you Reverand you pig) and his followers:

You are no better than the Islamic extremists that are spreading their hate throughout the world. The soldiers that you picket gave you the right to freedom speach, they also gave it to me. I am exercising my freedom of speach to tell you that your acts are so unChristian that it makes me sick. What will you say to God when you stand before him on Judgement day and he asks you, "What have you done to Further my Kingdom?" Will you tell Him that you turned people away from the Christian message with your atrocious attacks on his people? Will you tell Him that you accused everyone who did not believe as you do of being a "Fag" and condemned them to hell? Will you tell Him that that instead of comforting the grieving parents you stood out there in full view of everyone and used the Lord's good name to slander their fallen loved ones. May you have eternity to see see the enormity of your SIN. Fags may burn in Hell but I believe that they will have company. When you do finally pass from this existence, if I were you, I'd ask them to bury me with some good sun block. You might need it.


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