What a year...

I think the weather should win Time's man of the year. OK so its not a person, it was definitely the major player in the news for the past year. You can expand it and say that Nature was the prime player I suppose.
From the Tsunami in Asia, (which technically happened in 2004 but it was close enough to 2005 for me to include it), to the wildfires in Texas/Oklahoma. We mustn't forget the torrential downpours on the West Coast of America. To top the whole thing we have the twin hurricane slams of Katrina and Rita on the Gulf Coast. It seems that when we weren't talking about Iraq, we were speaking of some other disaster somewhere.
Here's to the end of 2005. Hopefully 2006 will bring something better. World peace would be nice but if that's too big how about world tolerance. That would be a step in the right direction.
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