
The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, REP Peter King wants the New Your times investigated for high treason for their latest story about a secret financial-monitoring program that is used to trace money that may belong to terrorists. The idea is that the terrorists will know how we are looking for them and will take steps to change how they operate.
This is probably true. This is also the second story that the Times has printed that can hurt our national security.
I'm not sure if the newspaper is the one that needs to be arrested/investigated though. They are doing what newspapers do, reporting. It may be irresponsible of them but I don't think it is treasonous.
I do believe someone needs to be tried for this though. They should start an investigation into the sources of these leaks. That is the person or persons who needs to be hanged for treason. Someone has taken it upon themselves to become a whistle blower. In doing so they may make it more possible for another act against this country that could rival 9-11. These terrorists now know of two different ways that we were trying to track them. They can use this to feed us bad info and they can hide their true intentions just a little bit better now.
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