Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

"And to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility. I want to know what went right and what went wrong!" George W. Bush 13SEP05

Wow, one politician actually admitted that his agencies have done something wrong. Now if we can get the state and local agencies to admit they screwed up we'll be getting somewhere. I still think the local governments are far more culpable in this tragedy. I've said all along there is blame all the way up the ladder. I respect the President because he has actually sat down and said this is our blame to take. I have no respect for Mayor Nagan who continually points fingers at the State and Federal Governments nor Governor Blanco who seems to be curiously silent at this time.

I hope we do get to the bottom of this. There are many people who believe this was a racial issue. I don't think so. I think that there is also blame in those who didn't leave if they had the opportunity. I've even seem some of these people accept that blame. After they started finally bussing people out of New Orleans one of the refugees was interviewed. She said,"Welcome to the bus of fools. I should have left ..."

What is making me shake my head right now are those on the coast of North Carolina that aren't leaving during this current storm. It may not be a strong storm but it doesn't take a strong storm to do damage when you are on the outer banks.


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