Sunday, April 30, 2006


I'm not anti-walkout. I'm not pro-walkout. I think it'll be interesting to see how far this goes. It'll give insight into where these illegals are. I think the government should take note where these walkouts hit the hardest and file it for future use. This at least gives us an idea where the illegals are concentrated.

I definitely do not support California's legalized walkouts though. They are basically making it OK for the students to attend the demonstrations but not the teachers. Personally I do not think that it is OK to legislate attendance for either group.

I think certain states will be hit hard by this little blitz while others will barely notice that anything is happening at all. The news agencies are promoting it hard. They are trying to make a story I think. If they had ignored it or made it a page two event I do not think you'd have any issues what-so-ever in most of the country. In any case, it'll be bigger because they are pushing it. It'd be poetic justice if nothing happened at all though (For the news media that is.) They seem to delight in these events. It reminds me of that eighties song "Dirty Laundry"; "Kick em when their up, kick em when their down..." Remember when the Media reported the news and didn't try to make it?


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