Thursday, July 13, 2006

Rumors of War...

OK, so its pretty much not a rumor. Israel is pounding Lebanon. Why? Because Hezbollah has decided to try to win the release of some prisoners by kidnapping Israeli soldiers and trading them. Apparently Israel doesn't want to trade anything but rocket fire.

I feel bad for Lebanon but they need to take a stand against Hezbollah. They control the southern border with Israel and they are starting something that they cannot hope to win.

I really think Isreal needs to take into consideration Lebanon's weak position compared to Hezbollah though. They need to try to isolate them from the rest of Lebanon, instead they are attacking the whole country. What can you do though. This was bound to happen. As soon as the Palestinians elected Hezbollah members to its government the war was almost a done deal.

How do you stop faith like these Islamic crazies have though? No matter how many times they get beat by Israel they assume Allah will pull them through and give them a check in the win column. Wake up idiots. You're in the wrong here, you cannot/ must not prosper. I feel bad for the innocent people who have to pay for your pride.

I know others have a different view of what's happening. There are often more than 2 sides t every story. Israel isn't necessarily right or the good guys in many cases. This time I think they have a reason to fight though.


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