Would you buy a diamond that didn't come from the ground? New technologies have made it possible to create
near perfect diamonds in the labs. This technology is cheaper than actually mining them from the ground. It has
De Beers worried. They are engraving their logo on their diamonds to make them easier to tell from the manufactured ones. This has the potential for devaluing diamonds much the way pearls have been devalued since they have started to seed oysters and farm them.
Not only are they good for making jewelry but they can be used in the manufacturing of semiconductors. Imagine a computer chip that could withstand over 1000 degrees F of heat. We are talking computer chips whose performance would surpass the current ones by many times the current speeds.
It would also take some of the money away from various powerful African Warlords who use the diamonds to fund their regimes. It would put a stop to a monopoly that is over 100 years old. I'm talking about the aforementioned De Beers Company of course.
What's the downside? Well, some people would claim that it just isn't the same if you buy an artificial diamond. I guess they are right, because the lab created diamonds will have virtually no flaws. Oh yeah, and there is no chance that they will be mined by
children forced into slavery in some third world African Nation.