Thursday, June 29, 2006

Not Quite Good Enough

Not Quite Good Enough

What's that you call me;
Diamond in the rough?
That's another way of saying,
I ain't quite good enough.

When you look at me
with longing in your eyes,
Is it me that you love
Or my potential that you prize?

Don’t be angry with me
The mold doesn’t fit.
It didn’t fit when you met me,
Learn to get over it.

I am what I am.
I may or may not change.
You have a funny look in your eyes;
Do you think that’s strange?

Can’t you love me for who I am;
Can’t you love me just because?
If I’m not good enough now,
I probably never was.

Monday, June 26, 2006


The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, REP Peter King wants the New Your times investigated for high treason for their latest story about a secret financial-monitoring program that is used to trace money that may belong to terrorists. The idea is that the terrorists will know how we are looking for them and will take steps to change how they operate.
This is probably true. This is also the second story that the
Times has printed that can hurt our national security.

I'm not sure if the newspaper is the one that needs to be arrested/investigated though. They are doing what newspapers do, reporting. It may be irresponsible of them but I don't think it is treasonous.

I do believe someone needs to be tried for this though. They should start an investigation into the sources of these leaks. That is the person or persons who needs to be hanged for treason. Someone has taken it upon themselves to become a whistle blower. In doing so they may make it more possible for another act against this country that could rival 9-11. These terrorists now know of two different ways that we were trying to track them. They can use this to feed us bad info and they can hide their true intentions just a little bit better now.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Oil Revelations

What is oil? We know it comes from the ground. It is the byproduct of life. It is what is left behind after living things die and get buried for millions of years. It is what is left by the life that existed before us, our ancestors.

That means that we are nothing more than consumers of the dead. I don't mean by eating but by consuming it to power our cars, to make our plastics, to lubricate our machines.

Ultimately it will be gone. Then, after a million years or so, we will be the new deposits of oil. Whatever is here will consume us like we did to the life before. It is the circle of life carried out over millions of years. Kind of depressing when you think about it. The dinosaurs legacy is a few fossils and some gasoline. Ultimately that may be all we leave behind.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Originality in Hollywood

Originality seems to have been sucked out of Hollywood lately. We keep getting pounded with remake after remake and they all suck! I watch the remake of the Pink Panther yesterday and I was very disappointed. I hated the King Kong remake. OK, so I wasn't very fond of the original either. The new one had better special effects but the story was pretty much the exact same as the original.

Another thing that has become vogue in the movies is to remake movies and TV shows as comedies. It was somewhat nostalgic and humorous way back when they redid the Brady bunch but its gotten old. Do I need to mention the spoof movies that have blossomed out of control. I'm talking about the Naked Gun genre of course. Again, this was original when airplane came out but now its just lame.

Hollywood needs to stop complaining about low profits and theater attendance and concentrate more on making something that is worth watching. Even then, I personally will not go to the theater unless it is something that I really believe will entertain me. The cost of popcorn is just too high :) At least by watching the Pink Panther at home I can microwave my Popcorn for about 50 cents.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Too Fat and Too Stressed

I had to complete a health survey this weekend. The conclusion from this survey was that I am too fat and too stressed out. I guess I am like many Americans in that respect. They say I am too stressed because I do not have someone that I talk to regularly to get things off of my chest. I disagree with that. I get most of my issues off of my chest right here. That's part of why I started this. I do need to lose some weight though.

There are many groups out there who think taxing soft drinks will help with the obesity problem. Some areas of the country already do this. I don't think this'll help me loose weight because I do not drink sugary soft drinks. The tax will affect me though because I do drink a lot of Diet DR Pepper.

I personally do not think it will help many people at all. People get addicted to things. Taxing cigarettes hasn't really stopped smoking in this country. I don't think taxing softdrinks will help either because of the addictive properties.

Soft drinks are addictive for many reasons, 1st, people crave sugar. There is so much sugar in the American diet that many have started to become insulin resistant and therefore need more sugar in their diet to feel good. The worst thing about soda is the caffeine in many of them. You can become very addicted to this substance. People who are addicted to it can get severe headaches, fatigue and depression from withdrawal. I've had caffeine headaches, trust me, you do not want one.

Maybe they could even cut down of sugar consumption by limiting or eliminating caffeine from softdrinks. Of course, decaffeinated drinks do not have the same selling power as those that have it so soda companies would probably resist much the way tobacco companies have at efforts to curb smoking...

One way or another, I do believe that obesity is a major problem. My sister-in-law basically died from the complications that it can cause. She was very overweight. I think that sugary drinks probably contributed to her condition but I don't think that taxing them would have helped for the reasons already stated.

I think that they need to tax the sugar industry itself. That way food producers will use less of it or have to charge more for their products. They put sugar in everything. Its even on the french fries that many of us enjoy from our fast food restaurants. Just a thought...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Dead At Last

It kinda of feels a little evil but I don't think that I have been this happy to see someone dead since Sadam's sons. That's what this war is doing to us. It makes us rejoice to see people killed. He is no doubt very deserving of this fate but I somehow don't think I should be happy about it.

I remember a time when I really didn't hate anyone. I wasn't even really this angry with the USS Cole bombing. I think it has something to do with the killing of innocent people. At least with the Cole incident Bin Laden attacked military. Al-Zarqawi was responsible for so many civilian deaths. He bombed other Muslims and the US military alike. Lately most of his victims were Iraqi citizens. He was supposed to be some super Islamic Jihadist but the killing of innocent people was directly in violation with the Koran. The suicide bombings that he encouraged also were against the religion he was supposed to be fighting for.

I hope this is the turning point that we were waiting for. I hope the Iraqi factions can now come together and end the infighting that threatens to tear their country apart. Then we can remove our own military forces and let the Iraqis have their country back. Mostly, I hope they are sure they killed this Ba$t&rd...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Gay Marriage Amendment

Gay marriage seems to be the latest news "Hot Topic." To me it seems like a lot of smoke and mirrors to take people's minds off of things that the Administration doesn't want to talk about or can't control IE the war, immigration, border security, etc. I'm trying to stay neutral. I can see pros and cons for both sides. I can see it as an issue of bias. I can see it as an issue of morality. I can see it as a distraction from other, more important issues...

Opponents to gay marriage say that statistics indicate that traditional marriages have dropped in countries where it was legalized. I haven't found the statistics that they are speaking of any where on the web. Lets just say that they do exist for arguments sake. How accurate are they? Statistics are only as good as the question that is asked. These questions can be asked to elicit a desired answer. For instance, if t hey asked the question, "Have traditional marriages declined since legalized gay marriages," they may have gotten an affirmative response. If you further asked, "What were the marriage trends like prior to gay marriage," the response may have been declining. If this is the case then gay marriage didn't cause the decline in traditional marriage, it was happening already. That's why I just chuckle when people quote statistics from unknown sources.

I'm wondering if the proponents have considered the consequences of gay marriage. Ultimately it could lead to gay divorce. Let a gay marriage advocate go through a divorce and then ask him if he/she still supports marriage. I'd love to here that answer.

Some people look at it as a religious issue. My answer to this is religion should stay out of it. They only need to be concerned with marriages conducted by their organization. A marriage conducted by a Justice of the Peace is a legal marriage, even if a particular church or religion doesn’t sanction it. That being said, these groups should have the right not to perform a marriage that goes against their ideals. They do not have a right to reject this on a religious basis though because we have separation of church and state here.

Some say it's a moral issue. They say that it will add to our country's moral decay. I disagree with this part. Marriage is a legal contract between two people. It kind of does away with the whole promiscuity thing (in theory.) It at least puts consequences in play for promiscuity, IE the aforementioned gay divorce. This, while not being religiously moral, is socially moral. It could actually help to cut the spread of AIDS and other diseases.

So, as I said before, I see both pros and cons to the issue. I also see it as a small issue made larger by the news and politicians. To that I say “Whatever!”

Monday, June 05, 2006

Two Borders

Someone finally got the fact that we border two countries not just Mexico. It took a huge terror ring getting busted in Canada to help them figure it out. For a while there were rumors that several suspects came through Canada prior to the 9-11 attacks. This later turned out to be false. The mere fact that we considered it to be possible should have made the Canadian border as much of a priority as the Mexican border. As the old saying goes, "Live and Learn." I think we've got the living down, now we need to work on the learning.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Video Sites

I keep finding more and more of these amateur video sites popping up. Its crazy, some have purely original content and others keep propagating the same old stuff. I think Jackass started a phenomenon. People saw how a bunch of fools could get MTV airtime by doing crazy stuff and now everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame and they will do anything to get it.

Here's a few of my favorite sites(in no particular order):
No Mercy Video

If anyone reading this has more, please add to the list...