Monday, August 28, 2006

Un-Happy Katrina Day!

Its like living it all over again. The same criticisms. The same crap keeps flashing across the TV. All of it focused on New Orleans. I haven't seen one mention of the Mississippi coast. It just makes me tired. People are upset because nobody has rebuilt their home yet. My answer is, "What have you done to help get your home rebuilt?" The homes that are being worked on are only being fixed because the people who lived in them chose to come back and rebuild. Many are doing it without FEMA, Mayor Nagen or insurance companies helping. If these people want to return to New Orleans so bad then go. But don't expect the public to help you unless you are willing to wait a long time. Sounds harsh but its just reality.

Katrina made us hurricane shy, that's for sure. So far this year 2 tropical storms/minimal hurricanes have made the news. The latest, Ernesto, is barely a tropical storm now. The news is playing it up like its Katrina II, the sequel. Please.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Israeli Raid Foiled

I would have thought that Hezbolla would be the first to break the cease fire. They kind of did at the beginning by lobbing rockets but the rockets landed in Southern Lebanon. The latest news says that Israel tried to drop some commandos behind enemy lines but the raid was not successful. Israel is denying the event.

Won't these people ever learn. I am refering to both sides. Its like having a bunch of children who don't get along living next door to each other. The moment you turn your back, one hits the other.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Madonna Being Watched

According to an (ap) News article, the Berlin authorities are watching Madonna's show to insure that she doesn't repeat her crucifixion scene. They say that if repeated it could be construed as insulting religious beliefs.

I guess there is no freedom of expression in Germany. Other European countries have passed laws that limit freedom of speech and target religious beliefs. For instance, a preacher could be prosecuted for preaching against homosexuality.

Have we gotten so politically correct in the world today that we cannot say anything that someone else might find offensive? Where else could this go? I think that people should be allowed to say what they feel as long as they are not deliberately trying to spread lies. That's one of the reasons that I like the internet. Freedom of Speech is still allowed here, at least for now.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

One Sidedness

I think that the world has a one sided view in this conflict between Israel and Lebanon. I am completely against some of the bomb attacks Israel has conducted. There have been way too many civilian deaths.

The world has jumped on that bandwagon wholeheartedly. They have not had the same measure of condemnation for Hezbollah though. They have been launching random rockets into Israel for years. They aren't targeting military sites. They aren't targeting anything really. They even hit Palestine with one today.

I do believe Hezbollah is as responsible as Israel is for the civilian deaths. They hide in the populous, launching attacks, thinking Israel will not attack them back. Israel has though.

I think they are all crazy over there. Just my opinion though based on what I've seen from my livingroom.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Comic Maker Site

I found this semi-humorous Comic website a few months back. After all that's going on in the world today I thought a little humor might be in order.
Witty Comics