Sunday, March 18, 2007

R2-D2 Collects Mail?

Crazy but true. R2-D2 mail boxes will be introduced in 200 cities to commemorate a new stamp. It even has Lucas' web address on it. Free advertisement is a wonderful thing. Even though it looks pretty neat, I'm not sure if its ethical. Why should Lucas Fims get free advertizing? I believe they are paying for the wrapping but who's paying for the ad space on government property? A better question is, how many lawsuits will this generate from other movie companies?

Oh yeah and happy belated ST Paddy's day.

Friday, March 09, 2007

I'm Back

For a while at least. I had taken to posting on another site to get my frustrations out; SpikedHumor . It helped for a while but now the site just seems to aggravate me more and more. Anti-americanism and conspiracy theories run rampant there. I won't even talk about the posts of celebrities. Its makes me realize why tabloids are so big. People will post dozens of pictures of the same model or celebrity in various poses and people eat it up. The humor on SpikedHumor gets completely drowned out. Oh well. I'll probably still post there but I need to cut back. I have spent way too much time there over the past few months.

I'm visiting Tallahassee this weekend. My house is coming along nicely. There is still so much to do. I bought a new bureau today. It was unfinished so I have to stain it. It feels good to do things for yourself. I've painted a few rooms and done some other minor work, including planting a rose bush out back. I just wish the trips out here didn't cost so much, especially with gas prices on the rise again; $2.50 average. Its kind of funny, three years ago I got rid of my Mach 1 because it needed premium gas to run, which, costed about $1.80 at the time. Now $1.80 seems cheap.