Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Back to Louisiana

I'm heading back today. It has been a good vacation. I didn't do everything that I wanted to but that's not unusual for a vacation.

My mother, sister Pam and I had dinner with my half sister who I hadn't seen in years yesterday. It was pretty good. I hope to keep in better touch with her. I lost that whole side of the family for so long.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Well, I've just spent a week back at home. It was nice but people are right when they say you can't go back home. It is so different here.

One good thing that has happened was the reunion with my older sister. I am supposed to have lunch with her tomorrow. She's had a rough go of it but then so have we all.

I also stopped by and saw my father. I haven't seen him for over 20 years. He's suffering from Alzheimer's. I feel bad for him. Its a disease that I do not wish on anyone.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Post traumatic Stress...

With all of the footage we see on TV today I can understand how people can display symptoms of post traumatic stress without ever being in war. Watching the bombings and seeing them pull victims from the rubble is pretty heart-wrenching. Israel seriously needs to consider stopping this right now.

I see all the fighting over there and the wisdom of my forefathers becomes so apparent. Separation of Church and State is the only way these various cultures can coexist. We do not allays get along her in the US but, for the most part, our differences rarely lead to blood shed. I'm not sure that these countries want to et along though. I'm not sure that they can tolerate anything but their own narrow view of the world.

Early Christians were no better. Look at some of the atrocities that were performed in the name of Catholicism. The Inquisitions jump right to the front of that pack. Many Catholics haven't even learned from this. They deny that they happened or that they were as bad as people say. Please... We can't forget the Pilgrims or the Salem witch trials. God sure created a confused, crazy animal when he put together man.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Is he, or Isn't He?

I was trying to keep my questions in regards to the death of Ken Lay to myself. Not only for respect for the dead but because I hate to float conspiracy theories. After I saw news articles written about it, I started thinking, It would be easy for someone to fae their death if they had enough money. The question is, did Ken Lay have enough money. According to his widow they were on their way to brokeville. I doubt that myself. Someone who culd devise a scheme to defraud so may people certainly could hide the money. It would be hard to do without leaving some kind of trail though. If Ken pulled it off there must be some way for the Government to find out. That is, if they really want to :)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Rumors of War...

OK, so its pretty much not a rumor. Israel is pounding Lebanon. Why? Because Hezbollah has decided to try to win the release of some prisoners by kidnapping Israeli soldiers and trading them. Apparently Israel doesn't want to trade anything but rocket fire.

I feel bad for Lebanon but they need to take a stand against Hezbollah. They control the southern border with Israel and they are starting something that they cannot hope to win.

I really think Isreal needs to take into consideration Lebanon's weak position compared to Hezbollah though. They need to try to isolate them from the rest of Lebanon, instead they are attacking the whole country. What can you do though. This was bound to happen. As soon as the Palestinians elected Hezbollah members to its government the war was almost a done deal.

How do you stop faith like these Islamic crazies have though? No matter how many times they get beat by Israel they assume Allah will pull them through and give them a check in the win column. Wake up idiots. You're in the wrong here, you cannot/ must not prosper. I feel bad for the innocent people who have to pay for your pride.

I know others have a different view of what's happening. There are often more than 2 sides t every story. Israel isn't necessarily right or the good guys in many cases. This time I think they have a reason to fight though.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Comparison of two faiths:

The highest aspiration in the Christian religion is to become a Saint.
The highest aspiration in Islam is to become a martyr.

Broken down: Christians hope to live Holy lives and Muslims hope to die and when they do, they like to take lots of people with them.

Christians can be martyr also but there is also a difference here:

Christian martyrs die for their religion, they do not kill for it.
Sorry for the sarcasm here but I was reading how two of the bombers from London last year were trained by al-Qaida and that they hoped to become martyrs. How low can you feel so low that someone can convince you to blow yourself up with the hopes of glory in the after-life? I want to get to heaven as much as the next guy but I cannot believe God wants me to die early to get there nor can I believe that he would have me kill someone else to do it. Its sad.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

This Is Funny ...

The Dead Milkmen
Sarah Jean

now, i understand some of ya don't know sarah jean,
so i'll tell ya a little bit about her..
she's a lesbian eskimo midget albino.

she went to college and she started the lesbian midget eskimo albino student union,
and 400 people signed up!!
there they were..hundreds of 'em,
lesbian eskimo left handed midget albinos,

did i mention the fact that she's left handed?
she's left handed alright..

girl's got some strange hobbies,
one of her hobbies is luring children into open man-holes,
which is kinda difficult,
'cause a lot of the children are taller than her,
her being a midget and everything..

or her being a left handed midget..
or her being a left handed lesbian midget..
or her being a left handed lesbian albino midget..
or her being a lesbian left handed albino midget eskimo..
life can be pretty difficult on that young lady.

she bit me once, ya now.
right here, you see this?
left a mark..

she was luring a friend of mine's kid into the sewer,
and i run up and try to stop her,
i said, 'listen there, you lesbian midget left handed albino! you stop right there!'
and she bit me..

i'm afraid i'm gonna, i'm gonna turn into a lesbian left handed midget albino when the moon is full.
O MY GOD, the moon is full tonight,
i can feel myself shrinking,
i can feel myself getting left handed,
i can feel myself getting the urge to build an EEEgloo,
i can feel my skin turning white and my eyes getting red,
i can feel..i can feel the urge to buy a susan -something- ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!


o..okay, it was just gas..

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Birthday USA

July 4th is considered the birthdate of our country because this is the day that the Continental Congress approved the document declaring our independence from England. This was not the beginning of our strife with England nor was it the first act of defiance or war that we committed. It was simply the first time that most of the colonies agreed on breaking away from England. Only New York abstained from voting.

John Hancock from Massachusetts (My home state) was probably the most well known signatory on the declaration. His signature was the largest and most recognizable on the document which is why we still refer to our signatures as our John Hancock. One common myth is that he wrote it big enough for the nearsighted King George III to recognize.