Monday, June 27, 2005


I created a website today. It has some photos from around Louisiana. You can visit it by clicking Here.

I like to take pictures in my spare time. I also like to kayak, as you've seen from earlier posts. I really like it when I can combine the two. :)

Monday, June 20, 2005

Suicide Bombers

More venting. What's with the suicide bomber epidemic? Where does someone come up with this idea and how can Muslim leaders and Clerics support it? They killed 23 people at a resteraunt yesterday in Iraq and 15 today at a police station. Who wins when you kill innocent civillians and police?

First off, the clerics who support this cannot even call themselves Muslim. The Quran does not allow for the killing of unarmed people. Also, it states plainly in the Quran that if you commit suicide you go to Hell! No 72 virgins or martyrdom; HELL. It says if you commit suicide you will spend eternity in hell with a knife in your belly.

They say they are doing ot to get the Americans out. How many Americas are they killing. Do they think they will win peoples hearts by murdering their relatives.

I think the biggest problem is the lack of good air conditioning. It makes people act crazy. I used to drive a little Ford pickup that I bought in New England. It had no AC. When I got to Texas and drove it through the summer, I understood why people would want AC in their vehicles. I would get terrible road rage and a suicide truck bombing was always at the back of my mind. So, lets send a whole bunch of AC units over there and maybe people will stop blowing up their neighbors. OK, so they have an electricy problem too. Maybe a bunch of diesel generators wouldn't hurt either. They already have the gas!

Sunday, June 19, 2005


I went Kayaking this weekend at the Tickfaw State Park. At first it was kind of boring. I paddled up the Tickfaw River for a about 3 miles and only saw a few birds. Mostly herons and egrets. I did see one rather smelly dead alligator. At least I think he was dead because I don't think they know how to backstroke. I've been trying to find one in the wild since I came to Louisiana.

On may way back downriver I finally saw a live one. It was pretty small; About three feet long. It was an alligator though.

I caught site of a small water snake also; nothing poisonous. All day long I kept hearing splashes along the rivers edge. I wasn't sure if fish were jumping or what. I thought it might be more snakes. I've heard horror stories of them falling out of trees into passing boats. On the return trip I finally figured out what it was. I saw what looked like an army helmet on a tree branch about three feet above the water. As I got closer I realized it was a baby snapping turtle. I have no idea how it got up there but when it caught sight of me it casually slipped into the water making a loud splash.

Monday, June 06, 2005


If you are wondering about the title for the blog, it is a Haitain Proverb. I am not Haitain but I liked the sentiment. It means People Speak, They don't act; God Acts, He Doesn't Speak.

Did you ever think, wow, life can be so much more wierd than a soap opera. I think so. Especially after the last few weeks. One of my older brother's wife passed away a few weeks ago. She was over 500 pounds and on every medication immaginable. Eventually it ate her liver up.

On the same day that I found out that she had died, I found out that my other older brother had been put in jail for a road rage incident. Meanwhile his youngest daughter had been beaten up by her long term boyfriend and had to go to the emergency room with broken ribs.

The story doesn't end here because a week later my niece went back with the boyfriend. During their travels around Virginia Beach he gets shot to death while siting in the car next to her. It wasn't just one shot, like a stray bullit. No, 11 shots. My neice has to play dead to get out of the situation alive. Another friend of hers took two non-life-threatening bullets and also managed to live through the episode.