Box Office Blues...

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year; For everyone except Hollywood I guess...
AP reports that the box office has shown the biggest decline in ticket sales in 20 years. With some of the movies coming out of Hollywood I am not surprised. Add crappy movies to higher box office prices and outrageous concession prices and you have a classic case of death by supply and demand. If you charge too much and put out junk people will not buy. Wake up, its not really that tough to figure it out.
Of course they will probably try to blame the internet, illegal movie downloads, video stores, etc. They aren't completely wrong but they are right for the wrong reasons. People want to be entertained. They will pay a reasonable price to be entertained. They will also find another way to get that entertainment if the cost is too high using the traditional methods. If they want more people to go to movie theaters they need to find a way to make it more affordable. Lets try 1st getting ticket prices down to $5 or so. Next, popcorn shouldn't cost $6 for a medium bag. That goes the same same for the rest of the concession items.
If your movies cost too much to make, you might be paying too much for your actors. Stop doing that. There are plenty of out of work actors in Hollywood, get some of them and stop paying people $20 Mil. for a movie role. Its crazy. Just my opinion...